Friday, February 25, 2011

Back to clay.

This week I spent some time working with clay, I even bought an entire bag of clay. The truth is I haven't made a single concentration piece out of clay in 2011 so I'm trying it out to see where I end up.

We also had a really cool snow day yesterday (Thursday)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So, if you couldn't tell already, most (actually all) of my projects in my concentration so far contain either wood or paper. Right now, I am experiencing a materials shortage, so this weekend I am going to venture out to a local source of wood materials. I have no idea what to expect, but I'm sure I'll find some cool things.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Most of my concentration pieces have been based off of land based plants. My question now, is how can I incorporate water into my concentration? Will it work? Or, will it just not flow? Does light also interact with plants?

I clearly don't know the answer, so I'm going to spend some time working on different ideas and seeing what happens.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Blog Blog!!!

Hey everyone,

I decided to take a moment to recap the first semester and outline some goals of mine for the next semester.

We had a great first semester; class bonding retreat, many projects were finished, and we were able to finalize our concentrations.

This semester, I would like to refine my concentration even further and finish it off strong.

One of the things I took from the comment critique card was the idea of motion. This is something that I plan on incorporating in the next set of projects. I also want to try make some planters inspired by ordinary objects such as lamps.